Ameer Majeed


Artificial Intelligence & Digital Humanities


Github: ameermajeed

LinkedIn: Ameer Majeed


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - University of Kurdistan Hewler, Iraq (2020 - 2024)

Work Experience

Data Science Intern - Ovanya, Iraq (July 2024 - August 2024)

Research Assistant - Nishtman Strategy Institute, Iraq (May 2023 - April 2024)

Research Intern - University of Kurdistan Hewler, Iraq (August 2023 - September 2023)

Data Science Trainee - Ovanya, Iraq (Febraury 2022 - April 2022)


Optical Character Recognition for Handwritten Syriac Text:

This project aims to develop an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) model so as to recognize handwritten text of the Syriac language and output them in a digitized format using fine-tuning of the Tesseract-OCR engine’s pre-trained model on handwritten data.


Ancient but Digitized: Developing Handwritten Optical Character Recognition for East Syriac Script Through Creating KHAMIS Dataset:

Author(s): Ameer Majeed, Hossein Hassani

Pre-print on arXiv


Programming Languages:

Libraries and Tools:

Awards & Honors

First Place in the 11th Undergraduate Research and Innovation Competition (URIC) - Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates

UKH Undergraduate Scholarship - University of Kurdistan Hewler, Iraq

Extracurricular Activities

Member - General Union of Kurdistan Students, Iraq (July 2023 - Now)

Representative of the School of Science and Engineering - UKH Student Union (December 2021 - August 2022)


Kurdish - Native

Arabic - Fluent

English - Fluent

Chaldean Neo-aramaic - Intermediate

Favore Books

Favorite Movies/Shows

What I Believe

Rarely do you witness technical people speaking politics or sharing their opinions on subject matters that stir controversy or even arguments whether online or in the workplace. For me, I was just raised in such an environment that required me to speak political lingo and speak freely. Personally, I believe in the synergy of two things: egalitarianism and libertarianism. I can not imagine a world where my freedom is substituted for something material, nor is it fathomable to my conscience that someone, somewhere on this planet is deprived of the very things I take for granted, be it food, shelter, clothing, etc.. I don’t believe in borders nor do I believe man-made or natural difference like ethnicity, religion, or political ideology shall make me indifferent to the struggles of another person. Call it what you want: anarchist, libertarian socialist, leftist, or whichever term you prefer. All that I know is that the pursuit of a well-deserved life for all of humanity is a meaningful pursuit for me. Everyone deserves the produce of mother nature, and mother nature requires us to care for it and not result in its destruction.